“stolen cfgs” people the ones who steal my cfg cuz i make the best cfgs and i am the best tell me 1 cfg that i stole and if u think i stole it check who posted it first (me), anyways now that i brutally ended ur career that was never a thing since ive never heard of u, first time seeing “lacks” in my 6 years of hvh was on nl forum on my cfg post as ur a cfg buyer and its ok
“brutally ended your career” please stfu xane fanboy you’re embarassing yourself and your youtube channel
check my name in your statistics, see if i’m a cfg buyer or not
what makes you think lacks is my real alias
i only opened this forum because it says “stainless member” yet you’re not in the actual group
guess who is though??? me:((
i just told u, ur in a cfg section looking to buy cfgs as u are a cfg buyer and its ok keep crying fan
u can keep lying im right and ur wrong also how am i xanes fanboy when i literally used to play nospread with him almost everyday but ok
that fat kid is romanian shadow hvh as in the yt vid u found the pic from he says its him but ur thirld world brain cant understand now ur just spamming random pics humiliating ur self faggot
when did i sell cp? proof? only words? HHHHHHHHHH
can somebody gift
updated angelwings setts btw
nice 2k20 enjoyner
2017 started with getze.us u?
nice p100