Chinese New Year and update information


Hopefully, the team will develop an excellent product quickly, and I have already had a withdrawal reaction!



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I’m glad the nl team is actively working hard to produce the best cheats, gentlemen, today is the first day of Chinese New Year, happy Chinese New Year! :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:

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I miss Neverlose :smiling_face_with_tear:

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Oha okay nice

он опять встал с дивана :bed: :eyes:

Is the Neverlose team really not as good as the SK team? Let’s wait without telling us how many days to wait. This is so nonsensical. How many users are waiting for us? As you gradually lose patience, you can’t slowly update cloud like SK?

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shut the fuck up moron

Is it so difficult for me to spend money on purchases that I still have to wait in vain? Isn’t it okay for the NL team to directly ask us to wait for a few days? This time, it’s obvious that the work is not up to par. Although SK has been updated, most Chinese users go to buy it. If NL still can’t update in the past few days, then I can only buy SK. Although SK is a defective product after this update, it can still be played. The SK team also said that it will be slow and wait for cloud updates

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Yeah go buy a broken build of skeet and wait for it to be fixed instead of waiting for nl to completely fix their shit for the users

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The God of Wealth will bless neverlose.

u dumb fuck. SK is out maybe, but it doesnt work good, it also gives red trust newly so stop cryng, NL needs time, they dont give u shit to eat like all the other cheats, SK , INI, AW


im sure they are working hard to update it and make it close to perfect but it’s been almost 4 days and the NL rival cheat has been updated and its users are actively playing it now.
i think it’s time for the update to come out tux, we understand you but you should also understand us, we are bored and want to have fun.


NL not the best if it was good the dont do it public cheats all Can buy it. You speak shit about skeet the have uppdate and best hack. Red truste you say :joy::joy::joy: go sleep man NL is only for money nothing more