- Chams
Currently, the ESP for the invisible glow chams has:
Secondary Color
It would be really good, if we could get a secondary color option uniquely, for both Visible, and Invisible Chams. So it should look Something like this:
Secondary Color
Secondary Color
- Range
Then, though the ESP range is far better than OneTap, but then, it still is lacking. It would be great, if you could extend the range of the ESP.
It would be great if you added Invisible chams preview, such as a door to represent the Hidden Part of the body. This is what I am talking about: My take on the future menu, Neverlose 2.0
Also, you should once look at this reply by @iluckbr:
Ability to add a small NeverLose logo, if the enemy is using NeverLose.
Stuff such as the Nightmode and Post Processing are broken, please fix them.
One last, and a pretty major thing, the ESP tab is extremely cramped. It would be great, if you could simplify the ESP menu, without removing the features.
Maybe add another tab like ESP Misc, or something like that.
I think that’s it. I personally LOVE the font and the style in which the text is written, keep it up!