230+ purchases Legit CFG created by 2600 faceit ELO

Hello, this is my legit cfg, I tried to add as much information as possible in the description
I hope you guys enjoy it:D

NeverLose.cc - Marketplace - Config "Faceit lvl 10 cfg"

Contact: I reply to everyone who has questions prior to purchase/ any other questions to do with the purchase

Discord: skripo#3121

1 Like


yes selling a legit config great

I am yes


pls buy big broke need to afford ak-47 before russia gets here

Swag 7

Love it



Mien kliness ketzien

Pokemon go every day

Wacky wa KY wacky wacky

swag 7 attacko

7777777 time to fight bananas in bed

q, its immediately clear that a person tried not only for himself but for others! like :innocent:

Aww so sweeet


banana bread :smiley:

Average IQ 80