Can NL be used in PREMIER HvH matches?

Hello, the last time I used it, I quickly got VAC banned on all my accounts, which is why I gave up even though the engine works well. The question is, are there still issues with using it and getting accounts banned? I want to play semi-rage like it’s currently trending in PRIME above 20k points.

no, you get banned instantly. wait for neverlose update

and where is the next update?

Just wait, nobody knows…

Neverlose update is a myth, its not real, its an imaginary story that we get told so we buy more subs thinking we will get the update

i buyed nothing

I hope they update before my sub expires lmaoooooooo rip 40 euros on god


just play on community servers

thats lowkey the most shit thing you can do with a cheat. Cheats are meant to give you a competitive advantage in order to get ranks and other things.

go use a different cheat then, neverlose is meant to be a HvH cheat for Community servers

I buy NEVERagain.

0 info about aim, not working. It’s bad true. Memesense for 4€ is better now then this shit.

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