Cant open the Launcher!

Hey guys! Ive disabled every Antivirus option, disabled the Secure options in google chrome and even disabled my firewall… But still when I download it, it says: Error - blocked

This sucks cause I really wanna start play now :((

Ah yea and I also tried Opera Browser and Firefox… The same happened

try fixing your config

okay guys i managed to download it now, but when i wanna start it it tells me this:
the application could not be started correctly 0xc00007b

Ive already tried things like using a programm which fixes the system dll’s and downloading .net framework

other programs work just nl launcher not

same problem, did you fix it?

bro, all problem in ur drivers its can be graphics card or same another. Try install Outbyte driver upd i send msg with link on ur private chat

did u find a fix for the issue im having the same issue!