Couple bugs introduced in the April update

1) Wall chams are affected by fog

You can easily check this with black invisible chams and see that further away you go the more grey they become.

Long distance:
test image

Short distance:

2) Decals, teammates, smokes and ragdolls are now always overlayed on top of visible chams

Blood, bullet holes, smokes, ragdolls and teammates now always render on top of chams when they are supposed to be behind them.

Also the invisible chams now respond to localplayer and attachments infront of them and render as if the chams were behind a wall, which might seem intended, however I feel like it was way better before. Like this it can get confusing when you’re in thirdperson and standing infront of a player.
Also it is not responding like this to teammates, only to localplayer in thirdperson.

Smoke issue video showcase:

3) Mutual skinchanger firstperson knife not showing

This was here before the update and I think the devs are probably aware of this, but you can’t see the knife skin when spectating another neverlose user with mutual skin changer.

4) Different hit and kill sound missing

Please add back the ability to have a different hit and kill sound, I really liked this because this way you can set only a kill sound and not hear the rapid fire hitsound many times, but instead only hear the final one.

5) Buy menu disablers are gone

I know this was mentioned in the patch notes as removing useless features.

However this is a very useful feature, I like to have this so that I can have buybot enabled only on HvH servers and not have to worry about turning them off or on when switching from Premier to Community HvH.

Please add back Valve server disablers or the non 16k disablers.

Also the buybot doesn’t buy in warmup im pretty sure.

6) Ragdoll chams of the player you are currently spectating is never transparent while other ragdolls are

Basically when you have transparent ragdoll chams, when spectating a player that dies, his ragdoll is not transparent until you stop spectating him.

7) Attachments of enemy players are affected by the wall/invisible chams color
Basically when the attachments (weapons) are infront of the player, they are treated like a wall and the invisible chams color is overlayed on the attachments.

8) When holding a knife and switching configs, the knife skin doesn’t update propely, until you switch weapons
For example, switching from bayonet doppler to a config with m9 bayonet gamma doppler
However when switching from bayonet to karambit it works fine for some reason.
Some knives get loaded well some dont and you need to reswitch weapons after loading.


I noticed that the rage value at the beginning of each turn is switched to “Global weapon” by default, and when you switch weapons, you will switch to the exact weapon template, for example, start with scout in your hand, but with “Global weapon” value. scout’s weapon value is used normally only after switching weapons.

I’ll look into it. Thanks for the feedback.

the bug I’ve noticed is this error


I’ve script to disable wdefender so it’s not related to that

happend to me once too but it still injected so all good

I have this same problem