CS2 product update 11.05


We have fixed FPS issues and crashes that some users may have experienced.

1 day added to all active subscribers.


Продукт на CS2 был обновлен!

Мы исправили проблемы с FPS и краши, которые наблюдались у некоторых пользователей.

Всем активным пользователям добавлен 1 день подписки.

Happy gaming!
- Neverlose team




Much Appreciated NL devs <3


When can I be allowed to use no-proliferation on a normal server

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kurwa kiedy csgo dacie reslover update urwqas

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When can we expect an update regarding the legit part of the cheat?

I dont think thats something they will be working on. They dedicate this cheat exclusively to HvH, thats the area where they want to be the best. Legit cheating is not something they want to compete.


If that’s true, why is there a specific legit section within the menu. Please don’t make assertions on things you have no knowledge of. If the dev team hasn’t specifically stated legit is out of scope, there wouldn’t be a designated area for it within the menu.