Do you prefer to play legit or hvh?

hvh or legit?


I have more fun playing legit but I get bored easily playing legit so now I play hvh more


In the early days I liked “legit”, but now I prefer “Rage”

I have been playing rage for a while now but I decided to try legit cheating and It’s very fun surprisingly

I prefer “Rage” more enjoyable

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ofc hvh

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I like to play legit but prefer hvh

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I usually play legit, but recently i’ve been playing HvH more

I would pick hvh although I’m not even good that it. This is because I had my legit (legit cheating and no cheat) times on csgo and it’s overall generally boring to me now.

nowadays hvh

i like both, but for me hvh is much more fun rn

hvh bc i like spinning