hear our voices neverlose

neverlose is the apple of hvh cheats, but it saddens me that while other cheats get such big updates and improve themselves and offer new features, neverlose is silent on this issue, although I don’t see a problem in the gameplay part of the ragebot part, although it is stable and good, I can’t say that it is innovative when I look at it from a general point of view, which makes me sad. a lua api could have been added for the community to do something, but it doesn’t even have a decent legit bot (you could have transferred spirthack’s legit bot) there is no chams mode other than flat Add the things you need to add now, you are losing respect because you still don’t do it, this cheat doesn’t deserve it

regards avilio

I tend to agree with you on this the legitbot from nl is not the best on the market, but no other cheat can compare with the nl rage, its far superior in so many aspects. Allthough i had never saw a big issue regarding the legitbot, its not the best but it gets his job done. And let’s be serious who buys nl to play legit only haha