🔥 HighPing Cheapest Premier Meta Configs --> No Vac <-- [Easy Grind to 25k-30k elo No Problem!] ^_^

:alien:BUY 1 FREE 2! Buy 1 config and you get access to others for free!:alien:
Discord: ryanchiew, QQ: 3635740006

:smiling_imp:For Premier Spread with RapidFire config check this → :dart: Ryan’s Premier HvH Config:dart:

:smiling_imp:For NoSpread with RapidFire config check this → :dart: Ryan’s NoSpread Rapid Config:dart:

:smiling_imp:For NonPrime Spread with RapidFire config check this → :dart: Ryan’s Servers/NonPrime HvH Config:dart:

← [:white_check_mark:free] →
:smiling_imp:For Community Spread config check this → :dart: Ryan’s Spread Servers HvH Config:dart:
:green_heart:For legit/semilegit config, check this out → :white_check_mark: Ryan’s Legit Config​:white_check_mark:

raging in premier with my configs, no global cooldown :slight_smile:

25k elo? No Problem!

1 nl vs 3 nl in 20k elo

officially top 50 in asia and top 600 in the world

reaching top 10 in asia, stomping enemies with 71 ping and 120 ping