How to fix last Windows 11 update error

Hello guys, basically u need to uninstall the current update till the neverlose staff does something about this.

Go to search bar, search for “Control panel”, open it, go to “Progams”, look for “Show installed updates”, find the last windows 11 defense update then uninstall it, restart your PC and enjoy :slight_smile:

you can install the windows defense update again if you want, and when u want, so basically it’s a temp fix, until the neverlose staff fix it itself.

Don’t give money to stupid guys like this one.
Captura de tela 2023-07-28 121831

It doesn’t work at all. Uninstalling may be impossible due to ‘importance’ of this update & if your windows image goes with this update pre-installed. It cannot be deleted via control panel, powershell and cmd, through DISM too. I already spend two days of trying and only thing which I made was uninstalling this update manually by taking ownership of system files. Injector showed me another error code - ‘disable memory integrity protection’, but when I disable core isolation and all virtualisation functions (even fTPM in BIOS) it goes back to 626 lol. So uninstalling update may not work.

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it really worked for me, i only uninstalled the last one update

lucky one!

worth a try atleast xD