请重置我的hwid Please reset my hwid

我曾经用我的台式机玩 NL,前天我买了一台新笔记本电脑,当我用新笔记本电脑打开 NL 时,它可以使用,但是当我将笔记本电脑连接到显示器蓝屏时,它显示 HWID 错误 请帮我重置我的 HWID 我的笔记本电脑和台式机连接到同一个 AOC 显示器

… I used to play NL with my desktop, the day before yesterday I bought a new laptop, when I opened NL with a new laptop, it worked, but when I connected my laptop to the monitor blue screen, it showed HWID error Please help me reset my HWID My laptop and desktop are connected to the same AOC monitor

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