Invites - They are fucking closed

Seriously. God fucking damm, it’s annoying trying to come into the forums and see posts when 70% of them is people “invite request - ep1c ultr4 g4m3r”

Can the admins do anything about? It’s really annoying seeing posts like that. Add some text at the top like you did when the invites were open saying that they are closed and will be warned for making a post asking for an invite, or hell, even auto delete posts that contain “Invite request -”.

I’m tired of saying over and over, “invites are closed” “invites are closed” “invites are closed”

(someone please translate this to russian so others can understand)


I agree +1

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So true

lol well most of the people that do that heard that there are invite apps from friends and come and make a app while not looking how it works what so ever and do it becauae they see other people do it, Its like corona xD you remove all of the invite “Requests” from the forum and you see that none will apply for it again

In russian offtop last post about invite was about 4 days ago

this thread has been made already, no reason copying it

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+1 its so annoying o.O