
chimera · Missed shot at Dont Disturb Me’s stomach(100%) due to resolver (dmg: 21 | history: 4)
chimera · Missed shot at Dont Disturb Me’s stomach(100%) due to resolver (dmg: 51 | history: 0)
chimera · Missed shot at Dont Disturb Me’s head(100%) due to resolver (dmg: 118 | history: 15)
chimera · Missed shot at Dont Disturb Me’s stomach(83%) due to resolver (dmg: 10 | history: 11)
chimera · Missed shot at all dogs nightmare’s head(78%) due to resolver (dmg: 40 | history: 6)
chimera · Missed shot at Dont Disturb Me’s head(99%) due to resolver (dmg: 163 | history: 0)
chimera · Missed shot at Dont Disturb Me’s head(77%) due to resolver (dmg: 131 | history: 4)
chimera · Missed shot at Dont Disturb Me’s head(100%) due to resolver (dmg: 44 | history: 0)

73% hc 100dmg 5min 89-64

just bad cfg? idiot

ur uid is 260k nice newfag

Joined May 11 kys dog, go buy configs newfag

im not playing hvh, fucking retard go buy lua for 5 euro

not palying hvh? u bought nl for legit cheat? XDDDD

mad L haha

another newfag

hey newfag tell me whats offset or anti bruteforce

how mad l

bro is thinking he is dying irl

p english, learn smth


still stay mad xd

Saying bad config wont help him you monkeys