Missing due correction/prediction error

i keep getting this error?

Missed shot in samke’s stomach due to correction (hitchance: 100% | history(Δ): 0 | flags: 10)
Registered shot in samke’s left leg for 35(55) (hitchance: 79% | history(Δ): 0 | flags: 10)
Missed shot in samke’s chest due to correction (hitchance: 64% | history(Δ): 0 | flags: 10)
Missed shot in samke’s stomach due to prediction error (hitchance: 70% | history(Δ): 0 | flags: 10)
Missed shot in samke’s chest due to correction (hitchance: 50% | history(Δ): 0 | flags: 10)
Registered shot in samke’s chest for 44(44) (hitchance: 66% | history(Δ): 0 | flags: 10)
Missed shot in samke’s stomach due to correction (hitchance: 76% | history(Δ): 0 | flags: 10)

and many more

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what can i say… neverlose


fix when?

v4 :stuck_out_tongue:

hope so

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they need to fix the resolver… and these issues soon or late people will create custom resolvers

cfg issue i only hit head atm

i missed 5x against a legit player with the reason spread but i standed and didnt move xd

yeah and crashing cuz i turned off my aa lua to try a new one… makes sense after every lua i try…

Wait new updates, its neverlose bro.

its good for 1 day then same issues again then

and now also crashing when changing the keybinds? makes 100% sense
