V2 Features Explanation


  • Movement

        Auto Jump - automatically jumps while you hold the jump key
      	Auto Strafe- automatically Strafe in air
      		Smoothing - how smooth the strafes are
      	WASD Strafe - strafe using WASD keys, strafe left, strafe Right
      	Circle Strafe- does a circle strafe around the area
      	Quick Stop- stops you immediately after letting go of any movement key (wasd)
      	Strafe Assist - moves you in the direction of the last pressed button 
      	Auto Peek - returns you back to the last position after shooting	
      	Edge Jump - automatically jump from edges
      	Infinity Duck - duck very fast
      	Blockbot- block your teammates (mimics their movement)
  • Spammers

      	Clantag - neverlose.cc clantag which syncs with other users
      	Chat Spam - spams chat	
  • Other

      	Anti Untrusted - enable to avoid untrusted bans (on valve servers)
      	Event Log - logs (Damage dealt, reason for miss, Damage recieved, purchases)
      	Windows - Spectator list, Keybind list, Watermark
      	Filter server ads - filters ads
      	Filter Console - removes unseless game messages from the console
      	Unlock Cvars - Makes hidden CS:GO cvars visible
      	Fast Reload - reloads weapon faster
      	Fast Weapon Switch - switches weapon faster
      	Fake Ping - Shows fake ping on the server
  • Buy Bot

      	Enable BuyBot

    Inventory Changer


    The tab where you can find all your scripts (scripts can be sorted: newest, last update, alphabetically, by author)


    Config tab where you can manage all your configs (share, duplicate, delete)



  • ESP

      	Enable ESP - turns on esp
      	Through Walls - esp is visible through walls
      	Bullet Tracer - 
      	Dynamic Boxes - Dynamically adjusted boxes
      	In-Game radar - reveals enemies on the in-game radar
      	Dormant - shows last position and iformation about unnetworked enemies
      	Shared ESP - Share esp info with other neverlose users
      	Sound ESP - Draw circles on player's footsteps
      	Offscreen ESP - indicates the location of an enemy when he is outsite your FOV with circles/arrows when an
  • Glow

      	Enable Glow 

      	Enable Chams - turns on chams
      	Through Walls - chams are visible through walls
      	Style - choose between different style of chams (textured, flat, glow, glow outline, glass, material)
      	Style - choose between different style of backtrack chams (textured, flat, glow, glow outline, glass, material)
      	On Shot 
      	Style choose between different style of on-shot chams (textured, flat, glow, glow outline, glass, material)
      	Style choose between different style of ragdoll chams (textured, flat, glow, glow outline, glass, material)
  • Drag and Drop Elements

      	Drag and drop elements (box, money, defusing etc.)


  • ESP

      	Enable ESP - enables weapon esp
      	Through Walls - esp is visible through walls
  • Glow

      	Enable Glow 
  • Chams

      	Enable chams
      	Through wall
      	Style choose between different style of weapon chams (textured, flat, glow, glow outline, glass, material)
  • Drag and Drop elements weapons

      	Drag and Drop elements weapons (box, item name, distance etc.)


  • ESP

      	Enable ESP - enables grenade esp
      	Through walls - esp is visible through walls
      	Warning - shows a red circle when the grenade lands near you
      	Trajectory - shows the grenade trajectory for all of the grenades
      	Prediction - predicts grenade trajectory
  • GLOW

      	Enable Glow 
  • Chams

      	Enable Chams
      	Through Walls
      	Style - choose between different style of grenade chams (textured, flat, glow, glow outline, glass, material)
  • Drag and Drop Elements grenade

      	Drag and drop elements grenade (box, item name, timer etc.)


  • Main

      	Night Mode - change the ambient lightning
      	Sky Box - changes the skybox
      	Post Processing - change the ambient color
      	Asus Walls - wall transparency
      	Asus Props - props transparency
      	Removals - smoke, flashbang etc.
      	Ragdoll Physics - changes physics for dead players
  • Fog

      	Enable Fog 
      	Start Distance
      	End Distance
  • Misc

      	NoScope Crosshair - forces crosshair to show on snipers
      	Autowall Crosshair - shows a red/green crosshaif if a wall is penetrabale
      	Damage Indicator - shows how much damage you deal to an enemy
      	Preserve Killfeed - killfeed doesn't dissapear till the end of the round
  • Hit

      	Hit Marker - shows a small crosshair when you hit an enemy
      	Hit Sound - plays a sound when you hit an enemy
      		Volume - volume of the hitsound
      	Client Bullet Impacts - shows you where you aimed when shooting 
      	Server Bullet Impacts - shows you where you hit when shooting
      	Duration - duration of the client/server bullet impacts


  • Camera

      	FOV - allows you to choose your FOV
      	Force FOV in Scope
      	Remove Scope - removes the scope
      	Remove Visual Recoil - removes visual weapon recoil
  • Thirdperson

      	Enable Thirdperson
      	In Spectators
  • Viewmodel

  • Misc

      	Aspect Ratio - changes the aspect ratio 



  • Main

      	Enable Ragebot
      	Silent Aim - shoots without your aim looking at the target
      	Override Resolver - overrides the resolver
  • Accuracy

      	Hit Chance
      	Static Point scale - the scale of a certain area that you try to target (head/body)
      	Safe points - Force the aimbot to aim for centered points 
      	Force Conditions - forces on headshot/limbs
      	Head Safety if Lethal - forces head safety if body is lethal
      	Body Aim - targets body aim
      	Max Misses - max Misses to force toggle safepoint
  • Exploits

      	Hide Shots - avoid flicking your pitch while shooting
      	Double Tap - will allow you to shoot 2 bullets instantly (only works with some weapons)	
      	Mode -Default 
      	     -Teleport Boost
  • Min. Damage

  • Misc

      	Auto Stop - automatically stops
      	Conditions - when auto stops works
      	Auto Scope - automatically scope
  • Drag and Drop Hit boxes

      Drag and Drop hitboxes
      Drag and Drop Multipoint


  • Main

      	Enable Antiaim
      	Yaw Base - Choose body yaw, Backwards, Left, Right, etc
      	Yaw Add - Add additional yaw and make it move if you’d wish
      	Yaw Modifier 
      	Yaw Modifier Degree
  • Fake Lage

      	Enable Fake Lag 
      	Trigger Limit
  • Fake Angles

      	Enable Fake Angles - creates a fake angle
      	Inverter - inverts your fake angles aa
      	Fake limits - limits the amount of your fake
      	Fake Options - different options for your fake
      	LBY Mode - type of fake angles for LBY
      	Freestanding Desync - desync based on obstacles
      	Desync On-Shot - allows you to choose Desync On Shot type
  • Misc

      	Slow Walk
      	Leg Movement - leg movement style, Sliding, Walking
      	Fake Duck - allows you to remain crouched while having the normal standing ability

    [Legit Bot]

  • Main

          	Enable Legit Bot - Enables Legitbot
          	Activation - Activates on a certain Hotkey or it is Always Enabled
          	Disable aimbot if-Disables the Legitbot on certain conditions
          	Backtracking - Teleports your Enemy back in Time
          	Draw FOV - Shows the Radius of Your Fov
          	Autopistol  - while holding down the fire button pistol shoots automatically
  • Recoil Control

          	Enable Rcs - Enables the automatic Recoil Control System
          	Standalone - Always control the recoil
  • Aim

          FOV - The radius in which ur Aimbot is active 
          Smooth - It smoothes the movement of The Aimbot
  • Delays

          After Kill - The Aimbot doesn't shoot after you have killed somebody
          First Bullet Delay- delays the shot until the crosshair is on the enemy or the time expired
  • Auto Fire

          Enable Auto Fire - automatically aim and fire if the enemy is in the fov
          Hitchance - use auto-fire if the chance of hitting si higher than the desired value

[About Neverlose]
unknown (17)
Made by @Anon_z2 and @frapii


nice, yea

1 Like

The cheat already has hints on functions - just hover the mouse over the function.


Nice work.

1 Like

Good job. Very detailed and accurate. Thank you

Pretty good explanations, ty

Never found this to be unclear or struggling to know what a feature did

I mean u have the tool tips and i think It’s very clear what the features do even for a new user honestly.