Whats the point of HVH in 2023

Whats the point of hvh in 2023 if 90% of players use NL ?
How am i supposed to win and differenciate if everyone has a good resolver and good aa?
Luas ? Nah they barely make the difference .
Playstyle ? Ur still gonna miss other NL users 2/3 cases
Config ? C’mon bro if u use NL u bought at least 2-3 configs and at least have 1 cfg of ur own . Is it really a config issue ?
UID ? Best excuse
So whats the point if ur a NL user to keep playing hvh rn ?

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whats the point of life


fr were on a cheat forum :smiley:

You kind of contradicted yourself. You say it’s a good resolver. But then you say playstyle doesn’t matter because you’ll miss 2/3 cases. It’s because that LUA they use is good and happens to make you miss. And no. Most of us who know how to make configs make configs. While others decide to buy configs because they can’t be arsed. HvH is competitive. Just like Prime mm.