Why is performance so shit wtih neverlose

I enable min damage bind and fps drops to 20 in some areas. And in maps like Anubis, fps is always 30-60 with very minimal visuals enabled. Without the cheat I am averaging about 100+ on all maps

yea i have a 3080 and runnning 160 fps

CPU game

Because most of the places in the map of Anubis can be penetrated, so when you lower the damage, he will automatically calculate the position that can be penetrated, and shoot when you arrive, please use it well, you will get unexpected kills

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I know about Anubis’ walls but I didn’t know about the whole calculation thing. Good to know. Still it doesn’t explain why whenever I’m playing on a clean game it runs almost 3 times better than when while injected.

Because most of the penetrable places in Anubiis are parsed ahead of time and calculated to see if you can shoot, your cpu is running crazy, lowering your frame count, especially since ct has a lot of penetrable places, while other maps don’t have as many penetrable points, so it won’t decrease the frame count

Maybe you need a cfg with multiple damage numbers to fix this, here’s my link, it just needs 1nle:)
BinGaan CFG👑 Get best Get BinGaan(spread/nospread/best aa/only0.85nle)

I just played on Anubis and tested the framerates on different configs. One fresh with nothing enabled, one ‘legit’ with only radar and esp. And my rage cfg I bought from the market. All 3 had siginificant framerate issues whenever holding a weapon that can penetrate walls or not.

Maybe you can turn off the magic bullet, because this map’s magic bullet is underwater

For example, my cfg, I set the magic bullet to the button switch