Why these gaysense users are so toxic?

Like in the topic. They have to “flex” with their trashy cheat and trashtalk others for no reason, get destroyed by “poor public nn cheat” called neverlose.cc, cry abt ping and other stuff. Why are they thinking if they’ve got some invite to shitty cheat with no updates, they’re good? Thx for any answers. BTW I’m about to post new video called “Little sk33t users get rough fuck by poor public cheat, ft. neverlose.cc” so if you want to watch it, please subscribe my channel :smiley: . I will post more HVH highlights, like destroying ■■■■■ users. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

simply because it dominated in csgo so their egos are too high still:d

Seems like you’re jealous or something, otherwise I don’t understand your need to trashtalk sk33t so badly and even name your youtube channel “sk33tsucks1337”. Trashtalk the users instead of the cheat they use, who cares if you use nl or sk33t.

I’ve had sk33t since 2017 and Neverlose since it was invite-only, both cheats have almost always been pretty equal in performance even though I personally have preferred Neverlose most of the time. So calling one or the other trash makes no sense, especially when you have not tried both. Now I know sk33t has had some periods of inactivity and slow updates, but that still doesn’t make the cheat trash, it’s easily one of the best alternatives to Neverlose (and possibly the only real alternative for cs2 atm).

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My nickname is some kind of reply to those nl haters xD Why can’t I have a nickname like that when they do spam messages abt how nl is bad and things like this. And I think that sk33t is trash nowadays.

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It’s all ego, like you said " they thinking if they’ve got some invite to shitty cheat with no updates" they think because they have Exclusivity it makes them cool and better than everyone. Most of them when they cry about ping they start to use 1ws and I still shit on them. Gaysense are either just as good as NL (sometimes very rare In my Opinion) or just as good as memesense.

and yet you still prefer NL over sk33t so? You yourself just implied that NL is better than sk33t

What you’re saying doesn’t make any sense. I clearly said they have always been pretty equal, I never implied that one is better than the other. You can prefer something despite it not being objectively better, for example, I prefer iPhone over Android even though it’s not objectively better. Both cheats have their advantages and are better in some areas, but generally speaking, they are pretty equal. But yes, as I said before, I do prefer nl.

Either way, there is nothing wrong with saying that nl is better (or the other way around for that matter). I only stated the obvious, that when trashtalking like the original poster did, he just comes off as jealous or childish.

Stopped reading at “sk33t”
You should go down the road, not across the street.

Try to spell it properly yourself idiot. Of course, I don’t spell it like that normally.

I assume it’s the spelling you meant. Otherwise congratz for getting upset over someone mentioning a competing provider, you’re a top contestant for the grand no-life prize.